... beside still waters ...

... beside still waters ...

Thursday, June 6, 2013

God's Punishment?

1 Chronicles 21:1-7 (KJV)
1 And Satan stood up against Israel, and provoked David to number Israel.

7 And God was displeased with this thing; therefore he smote Israel.
            On May 31, 2013 President Obama declared June as national gay, lesbian, transgender, transvestite month. He used the occasion to launch a worldwide program of urging other nations to follow suit and likewise provide “honorable” status for these previously ostracized communities.
            On the same day, May 31, 2013, the largest F5 tornado ever to hit American soil screeched across America’s heartland, killing dozens and doing billions in damage.
            Is there a connection?
            Consider: At the time of this writing America is suffering from a devastating, late tornado season, serious storm flooding, burst dams along the Missouri and Mississippi, uncontrolled wildfires raging in the west, an early hurricane season jump-started by TS Andrea which threatens to bring major flooding to the Gulf Coast. Bridges and buildings and other infrastructure collapse…
Meanwhile self-appointed jihadists and various and sundry crackpots (programmed?) attack the innocent and vulnerable with guns, bombs, machetes…
Governmental underhandedness is exposed, yet the guilty seem immune to prosecution, even receiving undeserved promotions and financial bonuses!
Does God still hold the leadership of a nation responsible for honest, just and godly deportment of office? Will He cause punishing events to befall a nation that acts corruptly? If so, why does God seem to punish the weak and innocent instead of the responsible leadership, making the general population pay for the sins of the leaders?
When David sinned by conducting a census, Israelites died by the thousands. Taking a census was prohibited by the Lord, yet Satan provoked David to disobey the Lord’s commandment.
Sodomy and other sexually deviant activity is clearly forbidden by the Lord’s Word, the Bible. Yet the leadership in the highest office of our nation, in the name of misbegotten tolerance and under the false guise of “love” have urged national policy out of that which should be banned.
And the people of this nation suffer the consequences. If not directly involved, the rising insurance rates that must be paid to ameliorate the expense of these calamities will fall upon everyone.
So why does God punish the innocent for the crimes of the guilty?
The truth is, He doesn’t!
When Balaam was called upon to curse Israel, he knew he couldn’t curse what God blessed. Instead he informed Balak of how he could get Israel to come out from under God’s protective covering (Rev. 2:14).
The tragedies America currently suffers are satanic attacks allowed by God lifting His hand of protection off America due to ungodly policies, decisions and laws of those elected..
Only more devastation can follow unless and until America and her leaders repent of their sinful decrees by returning to God’s ways.

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