On Thu, Nov 1, 2012 a
friend wrote:
John, let me say this
with all due respect.
Where did you get all
this fear?
Obama is not a Muslim,
he is a Christian. Those are his own words, and I really don't know that
either you or I are in a position to see into his heart and judge the truth of
that. I think that is God's job. The video you sent was a lie (did
you read the analysis I sent back?). The people who made that are trying
to frighten you through twisting the words of a fellow human being (as in,
bearing false witness). He is not a communist, there are no communists in
his 'cadre'. And you used the word 'slave'? Really? You think
Obama wants to turn us into slaves of the state? I think I can say with
confidence that he does not.
And on what basis do you
fear an Islamic Armageddon? Do you plan to convert to Islam anytime
soon? If not, why would you think that anyone else is planning to do
that? I can I assure you I do not.
No matter who wins, I
don't believe the stakes are as high as all that. I vote based on what
power the office of the president has to impact my family and myself. And
that does not include slavery, or religious conversions.
Nov. 2, 2012
Dear comrade
Thank you for
your respectful reply. Let me reply in kind...
It is not fear, per se,
but rather a sadness at watching the moral fiber of our once great nation slip
away. It has been happening for a long time, under both parties, but it seems
that under the Dems the decline has sped up, and now they seem to
have an agenda of removing any trace of Biblical authority from our
land. But, you say, there must be separation of church and state... Yes, that
old, worn-out, misapplied phrase only gets trotted out when the state wants to
curtail the activities of Christians. Muslims, and other religions are
given a free hand to teach and express--even in our public
schools--their philosophies, diluting our nation through
"diversity." Tolerance of diversity is a good thing unless it dips
into the spiritual/morality realm, for truth cannot be compromised, or it
becomes less than truth. Truth is not relative; truth is not "As I perceive
it.” Unless truth is an absolute it is not even truth. The
more truth is compromised, the worse condition our nation manifests. Separation
of Church and state is to protect the Church from the
tyranny of the state, not the other way around. The Church has always
been the conscience of the state, keeping it safe from God's wrath.
The problems we now face
are borne out of government trying to replace God with itself, man thinking he
can, without God's help (and therefore owing no gratitude or even recognition
to the Almighty) can solve all the social ills that cause such
suffering in the world. However, the more they try, the worse they
fail. To wit--The War on Drugs, The Great Society, Welfare Reform, Social
Security and Medicare and Medicaid... all these "programs"
are doomed to fail because they do not deal with the root
of the problem--which is spiritual,not political. The real problem is
sin! God will allow sin to run rampant in a nation (or a person) for
just so long, and when "the cup" is filled with iniquity, God sends
judgments intended to bring recognition of sin and repentance. If
repentance is not forthcoming, He sends more, increasing judgments until
repentance happens or the end of the nation. He did it to Israel of old, his
favored people, so what arrogance do we Gentiles have if we
think the same rules don't apply to us if, as a once Christian
nation, we turn away from Jesus and obedience to His Word?
When did this decay
become clearly evident? Back in the sixties--I know, I was an
eyewitness to the youth revolution of rock'n'roll, drug abuse and sexual
revolution that spawned angry, rebellious movements like the Chicago
Seven and Black Panthers. What lynch-pin's removal caused America’s
sudden slide into godlessness?
In 1963, Madeline Murray
O'Hare sued and got Bible reading and prayer out of public
schools. Our decline as a nation can be traced back this cataclysmic
moment, for it was at this point that our leaders took it upon themselves to
remove God’s standard of morality. Oh sure, there was promiscuity,
homosexuality, abortion, drug abuse etc. prior to that, but it was in the
shadows. Those who practiced those things were ashamed and didn't
draw attention to themselves. Because the Gospel was preached freely,
those who wanted to repent of their sins could do so and find freedom and
forgiveness. Those who loved their sin could keep it secretly.
when the Bible—record of God's standard for mankind—was removed from
exposure to every school class since 1963, those who wanted to keep their sins
wanted to bring it out in the open and flaunt it. Until that moment in time,
America had minor problems with unwed mothers, absentee fathers, explosion of
drug and alcohol abuse, sexual assaults, child molestation, etc. all of which
nowadays, due to a sudden increase, put a drag on the economy as well
as the moral fiber of the population. Prior to 1963, when we were still
a nation under God, we had more of a handle on these ills because the Bible's
righteousness was extolled as the example to follow. When that example
was removed—well witness the last 50 years of greatly increased
crime, physical abuse, unwed pregnancies, rampant homosexuality, pornography,
drug abuse, etc. Any student of cause and effect, if they care to see it, will
recognize what effect removal of the Bible from our public schools has had on
our land.
The problem is that
those who are trying to remove any public reminder of the God of the
Bible (10 Commandments, Manger scenes, etc.) don't understand that it is the
God of the Bible Who has bestowed His grace upon America at the invitation
of the founding fathers (recommend The Light and The Glory or
any of Wm. Federer's writings for scholarly evidence of America's Christian
beginnings). Sure there were strident voices in opposition to America's Christian
stance, but back then the majority ruled and America gravitated toward the
light, recognizing and righting her wrongs along the way. No
other nation of the world has followed such a path of reformation fostered and
led by the Christian pulpits of her churches. We had become the beacon of the
light of freedom in the world, offering not only liberty and justice,
but the pursuit of happiness. But remove the under-pinnings of our
freedom-loving nation—The God of the Bible—and we will collapse like all the
other nations that either ignored God or replaced Him and His Word with
governmental edicts.
This is what I "fear" not for myself,
but for the nation that I love and cherish. The "Brave New World" we
are headed for under Obama and his ilk, if they win re-election, is surely
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