... beside still waters ...

... beside still waters ...

Friday, December 2, 2011




The furor over expansion and building of mosques is dividing our nation. Local and federal agencies are proving ineffective in combating this invasion of a foreign and, until recently, virtually unknown religion. America would no longer be America if her citizenry gave religious freedom to some but withheld it from others.

That is not, however, to say that something peaceful, aboveboard and in line with America’s heritage can’t be done to stop the spread of Islam with its religious-governmental culture.

America is filled with Christian churches with millions of those who believe the principles of the Bible and the teachings of Jesus. A careful study of the New Testament reveals that Christ not only bore our sins and gives salvation to whoever believes, but that He also equipped His Church for spiritual warfare. This spiritual warfare doesn’t wrestle against flesh and blood (i.e. people) but rather engages the spiritual forces behind hostile governments and false religions. Paul wrote that the (spiritual) weapons of our warfare are not carnal (i.e. natural) but they are powerful—to the pulling down of strongholds.

Instead of relying on petitions, demonstrations, etc. (carnal weapons), the Church of Jesus Christ ought also to utilize the gifts and weapons Jesus gave: fasting, prayer, the authority of binding and loosing and praying for the salvation of those deceived by the god(s) of this world.

 Kindness and love, along with the bold declaration of the Gospel, are the powerful and effective armaments of Christ’s soldiers that have sustained the Church for two thousand years. We must not abandon these weapons and tactics in this present struggle.

This is a call for believers to organize and persistently rise up in the name of our Lord Jesus and oppose the encroaching spirit of Islam, as well as lovingly, earnestly pray for the enlightenment of Muslims to find the truth.

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