... beside still waters ...

... beside still waters ...

Saturday, November 26, 2011

WORSHIP, part Two


Worship of God is given to humanity as protection from abusing free will.

Some years ago a film depicted an encounter between a young man and the fallen angel, Lucifer. The young man asked Lucifer why he left heaven. The conversation went something like this:
“So why did you leave if heaven is supposed to be all that wonderful?” the young man asked.
Lucifer replied, “Here, I’ll sit on this pedestal while you parade around me extolling my virtues.”
“Okay,” said the young man, and he proceeded to do a dance around the pedestal where Lucifer perched. “You are wonderful, you are wise, you are beautiful… How long do I have to keep this up?”
“Keep going, you’re doing fine. I’ll tell you when”
After several more turns around the pedestal the young man, breathing heavily, said, “Look here, I’m getting tired of this.”
“Oh, keep on, you’re just getting the hang of it.”
“Very well, for a while longer.”
After several more turns the young man stopped his dance and said, “This is all very boring, you know. I’m not going to do it any more.”
Lucifer smiled and said, “Now you know why I left heaven.”
The filmmaker’s point seemed to be that heaven must be a very boring place—and the God of heaven must be an egomaniac wanting constant adoration and worship for all time and eternity.
There is, aside from the truth that God really is worthy to be continually worshipped, a very practical reason why God has arranged to receive worship from His children.


It’s been lamented by some that God gave men and angels free will because free will ultimately led to damnation. Free will involves risk; so why would a loving God allow His created beings to handle something so dangerous? But there is a way, in fact, only one way, for humanity to exercise this freedom of choice and yet not be destroyed.
Free will is the gift of God, to both men and angels; but it’s a double-edged sword. Free will serves as the sieve that separates the faithful from the reprobate. Without giving His creation free will, God wouldn’t have anyone to return love to Him. Creating a robot that’s programmed to “love” could never satisfy a loving being, much less the One Who’s very essence is love.
So, let’s examine the root of free will abuse. How did such a marvelous gift of independence get turned into something so damaging?
It begins with Lucifer. Lucifer’s heavenly position was “the Anointed Cherub that covereth.”
 Eze 28:11 Moreover the word of the LORD came unto me, saying,  12 Son of man, take up a lamentation upon the king of Tyrus, and say unto him, Thus saith the Lord GOD; Thou sealest up the sum, full of wisdom, and perfect in beauty.  13   Thou hast been in Eden the garden of God; every precious stone was thy covering, the sardius, topaz, and the diamond, the beryl, the onyx, and the jasper, the sapphire, the emerald, and the carbuncle, and gold: the workmanship of thy tabrets and of thy pipes was prepared in thee in the day that thou wast created.  14 Thou art the anointed cherub that covereth; and I have set thee so: thou wast upon the holy mountain of God; thou hast walked up and down in the midst of the stones of fire.  15 Thou wast perfect in thy ways from the day that thou wast created, till iniquity was found in thee. (KJV)
Though this prophecy is addressed to the king of Tyre, it is more specific to the spirit indwelling the human king of Tyre, for the description wasn’t true of the man; for instance, the king of Tyre had never been in Eden. Lucifer is actually the one described in this passage. He had been given a place of great honor and power in heaven; he was beautiful, he was musical (vs. 13), and… anointed.
Anointed? What does that mean… and for what purpose?
We speak of “the Anointing” in Christian circles today and mean, “The Holy Spirit’s presence.” So too, we may conclude that Lucifer, before his fall, was under the Holy Spirit’s empowerment to perform his duties. He was the worship leader of heaven, conducting the praise from myriad angels to God, like a priest offering the prayers of people and bringing them to God’s altar.
Lucifer? Anointed with the Holy Spirit?
What else could the term “Anointed Cherub” mean? Either God influenced (not forced) the affairs of heaven (including Lucifer) through His Spirit’s persuasion or He was, as deists thought, an absentee landlord who just wound up creation like a watch and set it on its own course. It is immediately obvious that an “absentee landlord” wouldn’t have provided such a marvelous salvation at the price God paid to redeem us.
Like man, angels have free will. As long as Lucifer used his free will to worship the One that was greater than he, he was safe from destroying himself with wrong choices. But he chose to glorify his own beauty and power; in so doing he became arrogant. He envied the worship he presented to God. He envisioned himself sitting on God’s throne, receiving the adoration of multitudes. At some point Lucifer abused the free will given by God, and chose to worship himself, thus becoming egocentric. In so choosing, he grieved the Holy Spirit and was bereft of the anointing.

Isa. 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! How art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!  13 For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: 14  I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High…

Lucifer’s heady rebellion spread, drawing one-third of the angels to him in his quest to glorify self rather than God. And Lucifer brought rebellion to naïve mankind on earth. Here was a domain he could usurp from the appointed steward and establish his own version of “heaven,” with himself ruling as a god. The wonderful gift of free will that God had given him was corrupted by his seeking and doing what he wanted instead of choosing to submit to God’s will.
Free will, as God intended, is to learn and choose to do His will out of loyalty, thankfulness and love. Of course, He could have programmed the behaviors He wanted into men and angels, but then their obedience wouldn’t have been a freely given expression of love and fidelity, but rather, mere programming. For the God of heaven to be Love Personified yet have no object to lavish love upon and have them freely love Him in return would make the universe meaningless.
To demonstrate the depths of His love, God created mankind though knowing they would fall under Lucifer’s spell. Because of the rebellion Lucifer had provoked, God wanted to demonstrate His inherent nature of redemption as a contrast against satanic selfishness, making it possible for heaven’s and earth’s inhabitants to more fully comprehend the depths of God’s magnificent capacity to love.
Lucifer’s abuse of free will by perverting the concept of love into self-love instead of love and care for others corrupted even heaven. That’s why there will also be a new heaven when the old earth is replaced.


When Lucifer and his minions misused free will, their natures mutated, becoming unclean and defiled; they became slaves to corrupt desires, in effect, losing their free will. They stayed glorious and holy only as long as they used free will to submit to and acknowledge God’s ultra-ness. Thus fallen angels are irredeemable because they knowingly chose disobedience despite the obvious consequences. When Lucifer and his minions refused to worship the Source of life and truth, they, in effect, became robotic beings—ruled by their rebellious natures; incapable of choosing to do anything except evil.
Intelligent beings, such as men and angels, must have a sense of significance or they are miserable. What Lucifer chose to ignore was the fact that men and angels only have significance as long as they freely choose to obey God’s will. Abandoning God is the same as abandoning significance. Without significance, sentient beings can know only frustration, despair, anger and hatred.
Unlike Lucifer and his demented followers who deliberately chose their path of self-destruction, mankind was deceived into joining the rebellion against God. Adam and Eve were created, not as holy, but innocent beings, neither holy nor unholy. The consequences of disobedience weren’t obvious to Adam and Eve before they partook of the forbidden fruit. Therefore, God, in demonstration of His mercy, didn’t immediately banish them from His presence, but made a way of redemption for them and their descendants if, during their limited lifespans, they’d turn from the self-serving creatures they were born as under Lucifer’s influence, and seek to serve Him.
Fallen mankind still has a vestige of this free will. But this opportunity to correctly use free will lasts only as long as breath remains in him. When he passes to the spiritual realm, if he hasn’t sought for and found God through Jesus Christ, he too will become like the demonic beings that preceded him—unable and unwilling to repent despite looming eternal punishment.
Nonbelievers are ensnared and controlled by sin and lust, gratifying whatever their hearts desire. The only thing they can do with their vestigial free will is use it to seek God.
The born-again believer has exercised free will properly and now seeks to follow God. But there are pitfalls. The believer will often be tempted to follow sinful or carnal desires instead of the Lord’s will. Demons try to override the believer’s deliberate choices to follow God with various lusts of the flesh, lusts of the eyes and the pride of life.
Here’s the dilemma: the Bible exhorts believers to put their old man to death and live holy lives. The question is, “how?” Believers, who that have the Holy Spirit, know they ought to rise above their lower nature’s urgings and live holy lives, but there’s a struggle to do so, and they often fail.
Furthermore, the temptations from evil spirits are strong; they know how to exploit their victims’ weaknesses. The Church seems to be unaware that such temptations are spiritual attacks, and as a result, many Christians live sub-par lives, struggling to overcome sin, feeling guilty, even doubting their salvation. They haven’t overcome their own lusts, much less resisted satanic attacks. Their choosing to not sin is impeded.

Rom. 7:18   For I know that in me (that is, in my flesh,) dwelleth no good thing: for to will is present with me; but how to perform that which is good I find not.  19   For the good that I would, I do not: but the evil which I would not, that I do.  20 Now if I do that I would not, it is no more I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me.  21 I find then a law, that, when I would do good, evil is present with me.  22  For I delight in the law of God after the inward man:  23 But I see another law in my members, warring against the law of my mind, and bringing me into captivity to the law of sin which is in my members.  24 O wretched man that I am! Who shall deliver me from the body of this death? 

Immature believers (see I Jn. 2: 12-14 note that children—i.e. immature believers sin habitually) are trapped on a treadmill of trying to resist sin with their wills, but it is only a matter of time until they fall into sin again. Then they repent and climb on the treadmill of repentance again, promising to do better. They are unknowingly misusing their free will by trying to resist sin through their own efforts instead of overcoming via the method God has provided.
Paul concludes with the answer to this dilemma:
I thank God through Jesus Christ our Lord… Rom. 7:25


This is where worship meets the need. Worship is recognizing and thankfully declaring the awesome worthiness of God. The deeper a believer knows God, the more awestruck he is by His beauty and magnificence as well as developing an increasing awareness of what He’s done for them; thus they’re drawn into worshipping Him all the more.
But worship must be free and sincere, otherwise it’s just an empty religious exercise. Churches spend a good portion of the service in singing hymns, but how many of those singing are actually worshipping? How many sense God’s presence as they sing? And how often do they sing to the Lord outside of the weekly church meeting? The answer to these probing questions will reveal the reasons why many believers are not experiencing victorious Christian lives. And free will is at the root of the solution.
Paul reveals the secret to overcoming temptations of the flesh such as drunkenness, and progressing to live a holy life:
Eph 5:17-20   Wherefore be ye not unwise, but understanding what the will of the Lord is.  And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit, Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord, Giving thanks always for all things unto God and the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ…
This passage contains all the elements of worship: knowing and desiring God’s will, vocalizing psalms, hymns and spiritual songs; making up one’s own songs of praise to the Lord, and being thankful.
When we’re filled—anointed—with the Spirit, by choosing to engage in sincere worship, we’re empowered to overcome the lusts of the flesh.
Gal 5:16  This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh.
So how do we get “filled” with the Spirit? By using our free will to choose to worship God, as the Ephesian passage suggests.
            Free will is a very risky thing. Like it or not, God has given us free will and won’t violate our right to choose to obey or reject Him. In having free will, mankind is responsible for using it wrongly, or using it rightly. As fallen beings, we need to remember that we’re prone to the misuse of free will… but wise use of it entails worship of God.
            Satan used his free will to turn away from worshipping the only One worthy of worship. He permanently corrupts himself by misusing, and thus losing, free will. Worshipping God is the only thing that could have kept him safe from self-destruction, but he rejected it.
Even believers haven’t passed beyond the existential dangers of free choice. But God has given His children a way to escape this fallen world’s pull toward evil—worship. By abiding in the Spirit, under His anointing, and choosing a lifestyle of worship, we’re safeguarded from selfish snares, temptations and human weaknesses.
True, sincere worship of our loving Heavenly Father and our Redeemer Jesus Christ, is the guardrail along the dangerous highway of life that keeps us out of the ditch of the wreckage of a wasted existence and instead, on the road of spiritual progress toward holiness.

Friday, November 25, 2011

Worship-- Part One


Part one


John 4:23 "But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth; for such people the Father seeks to be His worshipers.
24 "God is spirit, and those who worship Him must worship in spirit and truth."

            Worship has become a buzz-word among Christians. One can hardly tune in Christian radio or television programming without hearing the mantra that worship will heal the Church, make up for deficiencies, bring the unsaved to their knees and even hasten the return of the Lord Jesus. Worship is extolled as the doorway to God’s throne, as if, just participating in worship will negate the effects of sin, error, compromise, pride and stubbornness harbored by the believer, ushering one into the very presence of the Lord. It seems in some circles as if worship has rolled all duties and practice of “The Faith” into simply singing about the Lord.
            Worship-leaders practice and drill their teams, getting the songs perfect, creating an atmosphere conducive to holy feelings. Worship leaders often “cheerlead,” trying to obtain a “proper” response from the congregation. As such, music ministry has become an accepted occupation in the church. In fact, many singer/musicians consider themselves a New Testament-sanctioned ministry.
Whether in small or large meetings, worshippers vigorously indulge in cathartic singing, seeking some emotional form of what they suppose is spirituality. In some cases this has led to bizarre activities, but for many of those caught up in the excitement of the music and “spirit of the moment”, it seems to be a beneficial release from care, doubt, guilt and fear they brought in to church with them.
But is what takes place in many churches really worship?
To be sure, a large portion of the Church has yet to experience the exhilaration of release in true, Spirit-anointed worship. Many older denominations frown upon (what they consider to be) reckless abandon to dancing in the Spirit, hand-raising and “snappy” songs, choosing instead to stick with organ recitals and hymnbooks. For others, singing is something to be endured as a formality until the pastor gets to the “good stuff.”
Only when fully initiated into the spiritual realm can one participate in genuine, spiritual worship. This is why spiritual gifts are given to those who are filled with the Spirit.
Worship ought to be an exciting part of one’s daily relationship with the Lord, involving: gratefulness, love, repentance and devotion, adoration mixed with tears and/or laughter; awe and humility, exultation in His triumph and identification with His suffering.
Scripture gives us some sobering pictures of worship that modern day Asaphs would do well to heed.
           Eccl. 5: 1 Guard your steps as you go to the house of God, and draw near to listen rather than to offer the sacrifice of fools; for they do not know they’re doing evil.
2 Do not be hasty in word or impulsive in thought to bring up a matter in the presence of God. For God is in heaven and you are on the earth; therefore let your words be few.
Here the Preacher warns against hasty words in the House of God. For the purposes of this topic, this applies not only to testimonies and teaching, but to whatever is uttered in the time of worship—including singing.
How often do we mouth words with our lips but our hearts and or minds are far away?
How often do we declare, through song, devotion that isn’t really true?
We like the symbolism of offering the “sacrifice of praise”, but how much of what we offer is really to the Lord and not for the benefit of whoever might be hearing or observing us?
I Sam. 4:1-11 recounts the last day of Eli and his sons as priests of the Lord. Israel was defeated in a battle, and so, thought that if they’d had the Ark of the Covenant in battle before them they couldn’t help but win. This could appear to be but wasn’t spiritual worship; rather, it was selfish motives and presumption that they could twist God’s arm into performing what they wanted Him to do. They took the ark into battle praising God with such a loud noise that the Philistines were rattled so badly that they went out and defeated the Israelites again! All Israel’s noisy praise availed nothing, and in fact, lost for them what presence of God they had.
           A second event involving a great deal of praise and the Ark is worth recounting.
2 Sam. 6: 4 So they brought it with the ark of God from the house of Abinadab, which was on the hill; and Ahio was walking ahead of the ark. 5 Meanwhile, David and all the house of Israel were celebrating before the Lord with all kinds of instruments made of fir wood, and with lyres, harps, tambourines, castanets and cymbals.
           How could David and company not worship? Yet for all that, their worship wasn’t pleasing to the Lord.
           6:6  But when they came to the threshing floor of Nacon, Uzzah reached out toward the ark of God and took hold of it, for the oxen nearly upset it. 7 And the anger of the Lord burned against Uzzah, and God struck him down there for his irreverence; and he died there by the ark of God. 8 And David became angry because of the Lord's outburst against Uzzah, and that place is called Perez-uzzah to this day.
           The worship accompanying the transporting of the Ark was of the soul and flesh. Everybody thought it was a great idea to bring the Ark to Jerusalem, assuming God didn’t care how it was done, just that it was done. Instead of following the protocols for transporting the ark, they put it on an ox cart. This wasn’t God’s revealed method, but a man-made alteration of what they supposed God would accept. God wasn’t impressed with their originality, their musical accompaniment, their great crowds of hand-clapping shouters; nor was He going to overlook their failure to follow His rules for transporting the Ark, even though His “favorite son,” David, initiated it. Worship must be in accordance with His holiness—which is by His Spirit’s leading, and in the truth.
Let’s return this discussion of worship to what Jesus meant in His conversation to the woman at the well.
But an hour is coming, and now is, when the true worshipers shall worship the Father in spirit and truth; (John 4:23)
Here Jesus referred to the cataclysmic change He was introducing. Moses had received the Law for the nation of Israel, but that paradigm of worship was merely a type and shadow of the reality. The Passover Lamb didn’t really atone for their sins, the sacrifices didn’t really bring peace with God, and the Temple wasn’t really the intended dwelling place of God for all eternity. All these were types and shadows of the reality Messiah would accomplish. He was the true Passover Lamb taking away the sins of the world; He was embodiment of the guilt offerings, the peace offerings, the wave offerings, etc.; and He is the habitation of God the Father and the vehicle of the Holy Spirit. The three days and nights from crucifixion to resurrection was a period of time that transitioned the universe from the shadow to the real, from the predictive to the fulfillment.
Now the woman at the well had no concept of what He was saying. She had her concept of worship; as a Samaritan she supported the argument that worship in Samaria was just as good as worship at Jerusalem. In the verses preceding, Jesus gently rebukes her by telling her that Samaritans had no idea of what real worship was; worship was given to the Jews (as opposed to the imported and half-breed Samaritans) to be held only at the Temple in Jerusalem where YHWH accepted the sacrifices.
But all that was about to change …an hour is coming, and now is… whereby Jesus declared Himself the anti-type of the types and shadows. Relationship to God was only through Him, not the sacrifices, laws & regulations of Judaism, nor even the Temple. Only the God-man could bring reconciliation between Creator and created.
As a menu is discarded when the meal is produced, so too, the image of the item, in this case Judaism, is put aside in preference of the reality, Jesus.
…the true worshipers… Here Jesus declares that there is such a thing as true worship. The implication is that if there is true worship, there must also be false worship. To the woman, Jesus implied that the Samaritans were false worshippers compared to the Jerusalem worshippers. But then He went a step further by saying that neither in that mountain (Samaria) nor in Jerusalem was there true worship, because it was all type and shadow. Nevertheless, now that He’d come, true worship was possible—not in any physical, earthly place, but in the spiritual realm.
…shall worship the Father in spirit and truth… These then are the conditions for true worship. In fact, these are the qualities that the Father seeks in His children. Worship must originate in the spirit, not the flesh, (i.e. the soul), though elements of the flesh (the physical body) and the soul (mind, will, emotions) are also to be employed. The body and soul are the vehicle of the spirit, expressing love, admiration and fealty to God, but they’re to be used under the leading of the inner, spirit-man who is to be under the anointing of the Holy Spirit. Worshipping in only soul and body results in self-exhibitionism, performance, conformity— and actually is worship of one’s self.
The first prerequisite the Father seeks in a worshipper is for them to be operating in the spiritual realm. Today’s Church has confused the difference between soulish and spiritual. Experiences of deep emotion and physical sensations are thought of as spiritual, and are therefore pursued. But such manifestations take place in the soul, not the spirit. This isn’t to say, however, that such manifestations do not accompany true worship. They can, and sometimes do. However, for the spiritual worshipper, such manifestations are never the focus or the the goal, and usually come as a surprise! The soulish believer seeks emotional feelings, not the Lord.
The Holy Spirit’s leading is a deeper process than our minds can comprehend.  The inner man receives intuitive information on the spiritual plain, not an educated one. Our minds are of the soul, and therefore must learn everything by natural means. Not so the spirit. In the spirit, the believer receives information that he hasn’t experienced nor been taught, but which comes directly from the Holy Spirit via intuition. The spiritual believer has as a goal the pouring out of their heart to the Lord as the Holy Spirit prompts. This may take the form of: adoration, thanksgiving, seeking solace, petition, expression of love… But it such activities must originate from the Holy Spirit, not the flesh. The soulish believer’s mind is usually filled with wants, needs, worries, urgencies, boredom… all of which may be valid as he/she clamors for an audience with the King to obtain some relief.
Jesus, by His perfect sacrifice, opened the way for the Holy Spirit to permanently indwell us, opening the doorway to the spiritual realm. But since we started life as carnal beings, we tend to rely on our carnal aptitudes: intelligence, attractiveness, persuasiveness, will power…. When we became born again of God’s Spirit we were inducted into an entirely new realm; a realm alien to the flesh, a realm where intelligence, attractiveness, persuasiveness and will power are ineffective as far as God’s purposes are concerned.
God’s ways are higher than man’s ways, His thoughts higher than man’s thoughts. God is a spirit, and those who worship Him must approach Him in that realm. This is what truly makes man higher than animals, we have the capacity for dwelling in the spiritual realm and enjoying God’s Person. God created us as spiritual beings, and intends for us to rise above our carnal existence, letting the new spiritual nature rule the soul and the body. So too, true worship can only come from those who’ve been born again.
Truth is the second prerequisite sought by the Father. According to the words of Jesus, the only true worshippers are those who come to God with an increasing grasp on the truth. Fortunately for us, the amount of truth a believer possesses in the beginning of this pursuit isn’t a factor. A brand-spanking-new believer who only knows that he’s saved is as welcome to enter worship the Father as a mature apostle. Of course, as one advances in knowledge of God, the more one’s worship experience is enriched and the relationship to the Lord deepens.
Errors of  “The Faith” inhibits true worship; the degree of error determines how limited true worship is. The more deception, the less true the worship. Col. 2:23 Which things have indeed a show of wisdom in will worship, and humility, and neglecting of the body; not in any honor to the satisfying of the flesh.  It’s sad when those in error try to convince themselves that they’re having meaningful worship when they’re not! That occurs when the soul and flesh attempt to generate or counterfeit worship. This is aided and abetted by religious demons who cleverly imitate the voice of the Holy Spirit to the undiscerning. A believer can become undiscerning when he’s grieved the Holy Spirit by unconfessed sin or by believing error!
The Holy Spirit is known as the Spirit of Truth, and as such, is zealous that we seek, believe and obey only truth. When a believer consistently ignores the Spirit’s corrective nudges to research a matter deeper, He is grieved, interrupting communication between God and the believer, thus creating a vacuum that deceptive spirits are only too glad to fill. Satan’s purpose is accomplished when believers get derailed from the truth. Although Satan would prefer to get believers involved in the big, hairy, ugly sins, he’ll settle for slight untruths.
Every time we perform our worship conscious of who might be watching; every time leaders coerce crowds with manipulative techniques; every time we convince ourselves to believe something the Word of God doesn’t clearly state, we become candidates for false worship. Every time we emphasize the mechanics of the music, the cadence of the prayer, the “spiritual tone of voice”, or use religious (intellectual) language to impress, we are untrue in our worship. Whenever we conform to the prevailing mode of worship rather than sense and do what the Father wants from our spirit-man, we violate truth, thus invalidating our worship.
Does God want our music to be out of time, or disharmonious? Does he want our musicians unpracticed, our choirs unrehearsed? Does He care if hands are raised, or hymnbooks used? Does He not want tender, holy feelings aroused by certain kinds of music?
Suffice it to say that these questions will eventually be settled as long as the two prerequisites Jesus sets forth are met. If we persist in seeking to worship spirit and in truth, the Holy Spirit will govern outer manifestations.
Parallel to that, it is this writer’s experience as past worship team member and part of the five-fold ministry to mention some additional thoughts on worship.
The New Testament does not mention music as a ministry! Some, however, remove all musical instruments from the gathering of believers, which is an argument from silence (therefore invalid) and exceeds what the Word says.
However, most of the modern Church has followed the world’s concept of musicians as being spiritual leaders. The world follows drug abusing, violent, raucous, promiscuous musical artists for their opinion on everything from personal matters to world politics because they’ve excelled as musical celebrities. So too, in the Church, recording artists who may have little to no experience in living out The Faith are sought for advice and/or leadership.
Scripture only recognizes six ministry gifts that Jesus gave to the Church—apostles, prophets, evangelists, pastors, teachers and deacons. Nowhere is “worship leader” or “entertainer/singer/comedian” mentioned.
This doesn’t preclude music from the Church, however, for as in the Old Testament, some of those appointed by God as prophets played musical instruments as they prophesied. The same is true of the New Testament gift ministries. An evangelist may be used to bring the Gospel via the medium of music, but his calling and focus should be his evangelistic gift, not the music. It is well and good for those called to a spiritual ministry to utilize their natural musical talents, as the Lord permits, and they should be competent performers so as to not distract from the message of the music. Nevertheless, the music ought not be the focus. The Lord certainly knew the potential of music, yet saw fit to not ordain music as a ministry in  the New Testament. Perhaps this is because there’s an inherent danger in music—after all Lucifer was the anointed Cherub, leading the worship of heaven prior to his fall.
The foolishness of preaching is the primary method God’s ordained ministries should focus on. All else is secondary.
Music should be more than for  just “softening up the crowd.” The songs and hymns ought to be such that the worshipper carries them away in his heart, to be recalled during the week as they enter into prayer or do battle with the spirits that war against their souls. Music that is so esoteric as to require high levels of skill to sing or play may have its place, but how much better to give worshippers some catchy tunes with meaningful words as well? In this way worship becomes a life style, not just a once a week encounter.
One final thought—many of us find it easier to put on a CD or tape and half listen to it in the background, thinking of ourselves as worshipping. Although it may produce a holy atmosphere, if you’re not participating from your spirit, it’s just so much noise.
I know a worship leader who commuted to work took 90 minutes twice a day. He spent the time whole-heartedly singing along with worship tapes. This man spent three hours every workday just reveling in the good things of the Lord; he knew the pathway into the heavenlies. When he stood before the assembly on Sunday mornings to lead worship, the gates of heaven opened for those attuned to the moving of the Spirit. Seldom have I encountered the presence of God as intensely as when that anointed worship leader raised his hands and gave praise with his mouth.
May we all be more like him.

Worship, to be continued…

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Final edition of 'Last Trek'

Part Three


            Amy steered the ATV across the moon’s dust-gray field toward an isolated structure. It was an observatory. Kyle noted that they were the very first to leave the History of Species Man Exhibit, and in the relative quiet of the moonscape, Kyle took the opportunity to mull over the change within himself. Amy subtly kept an eye on her charge, smiling at his brooding; it was the best of all reactions a guide hoped for.
As they drew near the observatory, Kyle asked, "What happened to the Corrupter? Obviously he isn't destroyed, for you said he might yet play a part in the final throes of the nations?"
            "The answer to that question lies just ahead; this is the observatory of the inter-dimensional telescope. Oh look, I believe your father is standing by the railing?"
            "Yes, it is." Kyle waved tentatively, wondering if his Dad was able to recognize him at that distance.
            "He'll be pleased to know you're the first to graduate."
            Amy parked the vehicle and rejoined Kyle who was already at his father's side.
            "Any trouble?" Glenn asked Amy.
            Amy flipped through a clipboard and answered with a bright smile, "Just a little, at the same place, according to our records, you also balked. It's a good thing I checked, or I'd have been concerned."
            Glenn laughed. "How many exhibits?"
            "All of the first, and two thirds of the second."
            "Really? It took me four fifths of the second."
            "Kyle has a good understanding; he'll do well."
            "I now know how much I owe Our Defender, Dad. Can't wait till my Pilgrimage when I actually meet him."
            Amy said, "Your first act as a pilgrim now is to see what would have become of you had Our Defender not intervened."
            "The telescope, right?"
            Amy pointed to a steep stairway with a secured door at the top.
            "Are you sure I'm ready?"
            "Kyle, nothing can prepare you for what you're about to see. Just remember this: such drastic measures are absolutely necessary.”
            "Well, lead on."
            "No, now that you’re a pilgrim, you must go alone. Your father and I will wait here. Another will be your guide in there. Few of us from the Blessed Generations can witness those things more than once."
            Glenn Stone had a somber expression on his usually buoyant face.
            Kyle turned toward the stairs, suddenly finding it hard to swallow. His knees felt weak as he climbed and knocked on the portal.
            “Enter,” came a deep voice.
Except for small lights embedded along the sides of the ascending stairway, it was dark inside. Kyle closed the door behind and paused, unsure what to do next; the stairs were steep—almost like a ladder.
            "Come up," said came the same authoritative, masculine voice.
            At the top of the steps was a robed figure. Though the room was dark, and his cloak was dark, there was no lack of light around him, indeed, the man himself seemed to glow. His deep voice was firm but friendly. This was one of the Rulers. Kyle sucked in a deep breath and climbed.
            "You recognize my office?" The Ruler asked when Kyle arrived at the top.
            Kyle could only nod.
            "You’ve eaten the fruit?"
            Kyle nodded again; afraid to speak lest his voice squeak.
            The Ruler turned and sighed, or so it seemed to Kyle, as he said, "Every duty is a joy—except this one. Nevertheless, it’s required. You’ll understand.” He pointed and said,  “Sit in that seat and look into the eyepiece."
            The “eyepiece” was a two feet square screen suspended from the ceiling and angled over the seat. Kyle tried to make himself comfortable despite his unease at being in the presence of one who had died during the Great Purge, yet lived.
            The Ruler went to an instrument panel and began dialing knobs and throwing switches. "Relax, Kyle. Nothing is expected of you except to observe. Tell me what you see."
            Kyle cleared his throat. "Okay."
A panel slid away from the screen, revealing three glowing orbs.
            "What do you see, Kyle?"
            "I'm not sure. It sort of looks like three stars, but not any I've ever studied before."
            "Correct. You’re looking farther than any earth telescope has ever looked. You’re seeing the Three Guardians of the Third Dimension. Beyond is another dimension. Photons, quarks, isotons, etceteras are worthless past that point. The images you’re about to see consist of mattons—the primary particles of existence in all dimensions. There’s a vision translator mounted to your eyepiece so you can make sense of what you see." He pressed a button, and the eyepiece crackled as it warmed with electricty, then turned greenish-gray. "Talk to me, tell me what you see."
            "Uh, I see some kind of opening, hold on, it’s barred. But there’s a hole in space."
            "Correct. Continue."
            "It's like I'm flying through the opening, and umm, I see pretty lights with odd little things swirling around."
            "Look closer Kyle, those aren't lights. What are they?"
            "Uh, I see better now. Fires! The fires seem to be connected somehow, but they are flames, right?"
            "And the odd little things swirling around?"
            "I can't quite… identify them. They're unlike anything I've ever seen before. Oh! They're alive! How can creatures live in such intense fire? Oh wait… they have faces and arms and..." Kyle pulled away from the eyepiece and looked at the Ruler, his eyes wide, brows raised and lips slightly parted.
            "Keep looking Kyle, and never forget. They’re just waiting in that hellish prison now. But the final judgment soon approaches. Then their anguish will increase like they never thought possible."
            Kyle reluctantly watched the writhing human souls. Each person had been reduced to a worm-like creature, retaining vestigial arms and legs and fully recognizable facial features. Whenever one wriggled too close to another it turned savagely like a viper, biting, hissing and gnashing its teeth.
            "I personally knew the one on the left," the Ruler said. "He often boasted how it would be better to reign in hell than serve in heaven, quoting a popular song of our day."
            "It's horrible."
            "It’s just."
            "Eating the fruit deserves this?"
            "Worse. And for eternity, relentlessly. All of Creation would unravel if disobedience went unchecked."
            Kyle felt nauseous.
            "Remember Kyle, they chose their fate. Nothing could persuade them to turn from their own ways. Keep watching as I shift the scene."
            The screen panned over billions of writhing souls until there was a vast gap. Kyle released his pent-up breath.
Then, at the edge of three dimensional existence Kyle beheld a fiery lake.
            "Where are they now?" the Ruler mused to himself, searching his viewfinder. "Oh, I see them. Take a close look, at the one on the left, Kyle. That’s the Imposter—we called him the Beast, the Antichrist. I believe you asked what he looked like? The other man was his prophet. These two were as monstrous as the Corrupter himself, warranting judgment immediately, not waiting the time out as the others who languish in their fiery prison.
            Kyle was un able to take his eyes off the two men; their flesh bubbled and boiled as they gnawed their tongues in agony. He turned away. "That place is much hotter, it seems. Those waiting in prison will be sent here too, won’t they?"
            The Ruler made no reply.
            "This is the price for taking what was forbidden?"
            "This is the consequence of disobedience. With good reason was the knowledge of good and evil forbidden at the time of beginnings."
            "And what of the one who started this corruption?"
            The scope panned to a new position. "Look there on the border, the very edge of Hell. Do you see the pit of nothingness? Look closely along the sides."
            Kyle studied the area and made out a large half-reptile, half-man creature that was suspended by a chain—shackled to the sides of the pit. His features sagged in grief. From his emaciated body drooped leathery wings that scraped the side of the pit. His expression declared he was the most wretched of all creatures. He mouthed a phrase over and over. Kyle tried to make out what he was saying.
            As if reading Kyle's thoughts, the Ruler said, "He's speaking in the Cerubi tongue, saying, 'I'm sorry, so, so sorry. I never knew it would turn out this way. I wish I'd never started it. Is there any hope I can make things right? Can I be redeemed?' He's been saying that exact phrase since the moment he was shut up there some nine hundred plus years ago."
            "He seems sincere. Does he mean it?"
            "I’m not allowed to say. But I can tell you this: the fate of those in hell hinges on whether he’s still rebellious when he’s finally released. As of yet, only the Beast and the false prophet have been sentenced to the eternal death—thrown alive and never to physically perish into the Lake of Fire. At sentencing, all those ‘worms’ will be clothed with human bodies again, to stand judged as humans, not disembodied spirits. If deemed worthy of punishment, they’ll be cast into the Lake of Fire, fully fleshed with indestructible, yet sentient bodies, always existing, never to cease suffering. Their fate will be sealed when the Corrupter is released from his prison and final evidence is presented to render a verdict."
            "I don't wish to be rude, but … I've seen enough. Is there anything else I must see?"
            "You have seen enough. Congratulations, pilgrim."


            It was late when Kyle crept into his bedroom. Scooter was still awake however, waiting. "Hey Kyle, how was it? Tell me all about it."
            "Hi Scooter. It was... well, great, I guess. I'll never be the same. It’s just too much for words. You'll see when you get to go."
            Scooter flopped down on his pillow. "That's what everybody says," he sighed.
But, his last trek would come.

The End… for now…

Tuesday, November 22, 2011



            Kyle followed Amy out under the massive, plastiglass bubble that offered a spectacular view of Erets Admah and the heavens beyond. Kyle stood reveling in the sight.
“Come along, Kyle.” Amy took him by the hand and lead to a low profile building beside the Museum of Abominations.
            They entered a well-lit building. "This exhibit is arranged,” Amy said, “last things first so you can trace corruption back to its roots by the chain of cause and effect. Take notice that all things have a duality in their relationship to mankind."
            "Duality? Twos of things?"
            "Sort of, you'll understand better once we begin."
            The first exhibit was a tree—an imitation of the real one he had seen in a lasergraph. The replica’s main trunk extended some twenty feet high with fruited branches filled of silvery leaves stretching to the overhead ceiling as well as sweeping down to the ground. The fruit was round and lusciously full. The fruit of the real tree, Kyle had learned, had no season, but yielded its fruit and leaves each month. The matured leaves of the actual tree fell into the pure waters flowing out from under the bole of the tree and were swept to far-flung corners of the world.
            "Do you understand what you see?"
            "The Tree of Healing."
            "This represents “The Present Age”. The imitation leaves and fruit you see, which on earth are on the real tree, flow down the river to the waters of the world to undo the damage that another tree has brought upon mankind—the tree of knowledge."
            "Seems illogical doesn't it? Knowledge has such a noble purpose, but even nobility is no safeguard against corruption. Every discovery, invention, and application of man's knowledge has been twisted by his encounter with the first tree. As it took one Man to undo the damage of one man, so it will take one tree to undo the damage caused by one tree. You'll see one of these two trees a little later; keep that in mind."
            They walked past a display of technological devices where other trekkers milled, playing with or testing the various inventions of man's creative genius. Kyle recognized an archaic sat-vid-fone and paused.
“Go ahead, you may try it,” said Amy.
 Kyle turned on the receiver.
Instantly an oriental-looking girl Kyle's about  age appeared, smiling broadly. "Oh, I see someone," she said to her off-screen guide.
            "Uh, hello," Kyle ventured.
            "The girl turned back to face Kyle, stifling a giggle. "He's talking to me."
            Kyle's face turned red. "Hi, I'm Kyle. Are you on your Last Trek, too?"
            She giggled again, covering her mouth. Then said "Hi, I'm Chi-lu-an. Look for me, I'll wave my hand."
            Kyle stepped away from the pedestal and surveyed the large room. A girl at the far end of the room stood by a satvidfone waving her arm. Feeling foolish, Kyle waved back and stepped back to the receiver. "I saw you."
            "I saw you too. Well, I've got to go now. Bye. Hee hee hee." The screen went dull gray with a slight crackle.
            "Excuse me?" Amy said.
            "Oh, not you. Just… girls my own age."
            "I see," Amy said, restraining a smile.
            "There are so many inventions here: hand held computer-phones, holographs, thought processors… so much excellent technology. How could all these advances not have made the world a better place?"
            "Follow me." Amy led to a series of displays that operated on their own. This is what mankind did with just one of those efficiency tools, the computer."
            Kyle quoted from a textbook, "Computers: originally used to greatly reduce time-consuming tasks, enlarge the capacity of accomplishment, and made for more accurate computations, hence the name 'computer'."
            "The text didn't say that they also contributed to a great squandering of time and money, or that they made addicts out of people by inducing laziness of mind so that people quit using their intellect for the simplest of calculations. But we can't blame that on computers, can we? It's what individuals chose to do with them."
            Kyle stared, dazzled by brightly blinking screens filled with of curious-looking figures.
            "They’re called video games."
            Kyle watched as a fat, man-like figure jumped from building to building.
            "Your age group was drawn to these games in droves. Called ‘harmless entertainment’, they all too often proved to be mind-numbing traps that opened doorways to their souls. The more time spent with these, the harder it became to respond to Our Defender. These were as addictive to the mind as illegal or unneeded pharmaceuticals.
“Eventually the evil shades were so bold as to present themselves blatantly on the boards and screens, snaring the unwary and rebellious into deeper darkness. Behold—," Amy pointed to a glass partition that kept trekkers at a distance from certain games that presented sensual, occultic or demonic beings.
            "How were such horrible things tolerated?"
            "It’s right for you to feel revulsion; they’re isolated for good reason. There are many exhibits in this building which allow you to touch and experiment, but there are some exhibits, that, even now, in the Blessed Generations, would be harmful if you did more than take a quick look. Indeed, there are more things which are kept hidden, which if you even saw them, you’d possibly come under their spell. Such is the nature we've inherited. The Rulers can touch those things without being affected, but not us.
            Kyle looked doubtfully at his guide. "How is it that the Rulers are unaffected? Aren't they descended of our common ancestor?"
            "In some metaspiritual way they've become disinherited from the first Adam, and as a result are unaffected by the evil of the old age. That’s why they bear rule. Our Defender trusts them to do his bidding in his time, in his way."
            Kyle nodded. He looked again at the leering, grotesque faces on the screens. A curiosity to know more stirred deep inside … "Can we leave, this display is affecting me."
            Amy’s brow furrowed for an instant. “Sure, Kyle. I’m glad you told me.”
            They progressed through the rest of the technology exhibit back to the crude implements that had been fashioned in the dawn of human history. Amy explained, “Even good inventions were turned to evil uses in each culture: metals were used for plows, but also swords and spears; explosives for excavating, but also bombs; noble sciences—such as medicine—were also turned to unnatural selection of who was worthy to live and who wasn't. Technology is a double-edged sword.”
            "But we use some forms of technology today. Aren't they potentially dangerous?"
            "I told you before that all things in this exhibit were dualistic in nature, remember? That dualism came from the tree of knowledge of good—and evil. Do you see how everything man discovered or invented was used for both good and evil purposes? But as long as the Corrupter is bound, some inventions can be used without harm—on a regulated basis of course."
            "So, you're saying that without Corrupter’s evil influence, men wouldn’t have become so, so ...."
            "That's not exactly the word I'd have chosen."
            Amy eyed Kyle. "Softer terms, such as ‘fallen’ or ‘seduced’, allow self-deception. Corrupter only needed to nudge us from time to time once he ensnared our ancestors. Never forget that as a species, we willingly revolted against our primary nature. This next hall is a good demonstration of that."
            ‘HALL OF LAW’ read the embossed lettering over the doorway. “Here,” Amy said, “the laws of every human empire that ever existed are displayed.”
 Kyle walked the passageway scanning several laws of succeeding cultures and civilizations. “I’m puzzled. Why did they change their laws when the ones they originally had seemed to do good for the citizens?”
“These articles display the decline of human law,” Amy said. “Very good, Kyle. Many trekkers never the notice the gradual slide into evil laws. Briefly—each civilization’s laws were instituted to control chaos, agreeing with the nature and order of creation, and as such, were beneficial. But as each empire aged, Corrupter's influence eroded the moral fiber of the rulers who raised spurious arguments against natural law and common sense. The duped intelligentsia subtly gained control of each society by creating false crises, preying on people’s fears, manipulating the masses by the darkened thoughts which flooded their own depraved minds, convincing each other that such lofty thoughts were god-like. It was a short step to alter the laws to suit their appetites and naïve concepts of how things ‘ought to be’. Such ‘progressives’ were puppets in the hands of the Corrupter and his ilk.
“Corrupter saturated their minds with theories designed to bring God's wrath down on humanity. Without fail events always ended with the deluded elite ruling the masses to the erosion of God-given rights, and ultimately destruction. Order collapsed; new laws were implemented against the populace instead of protecting them.
“Have you noticed that the momentum of decline in any given culture was related to its technology.”
“Uh, I hadn't thought about that,” Kyle said.
“Consider this,” Amy said. “At first, in the primitive years—the stone and bronze ages, the decline was measured in millennia, then as mankind invented more labor-saving machines and chemistry, it took centuries, then decades then finally—mere years.”
            There was still a third of the exhibit to see, but Kyle said, "I've seen enough."
            "I'm sure you have."
            "I mean," he tried to explain, "...it’s depressing. Even the great liberating documents of the latter centuries were rendered irrelevant as they were re-interpreted to align with Corrupter's goals. Didn't people ever learn? Couldn’t they see where such declines led previous cultures?"
            " Do you see how even the noblest of human efforts had the seeds of self-destruction in them?"
            "I see that once the generation of the framers of a government passed, their descendants fell away from their ideals."
            "What do you suppose is the inherent weakness of these systems?"
            "Umm, when ideals fade, degeneracy overwhelms mankind?"
            "Not quite. Didn't Corrupter want to establish his own government? What was the real issue there?"
            "Oh, but Corrupter wanted more than his given place. He didn't want to obey, but to rule."
            ‘And…? Remember the presentation on the screen in the Car.”
            “And… be worshipped?”
            "And how is man any different?"
            Kyle thoughtfully mused, "If mankind was under Corrupter's influence, he probably began to think like him...."
            "Keep going, you're on the right track."
            "So... mankind wanted to be worshipped instead of recognizing and worshipping the Creator?"
Amy smiled broadly as she nodded.
"But, what about all their references to God as supreme being?"
            "All to salve their consciences. Did mankind really need all these documents to govern himself? Or, was it all a form of self-worship, replacing His Law with myriads of their own ‘improvements’ of what He, in His infinite wisdom, decreed?"
            "But in their fallen state, they surely needed a more detailed form of government?"
            "Government apart from the Creator is blasphemy; it is interlaced with human weakness and thus, doomed to failure—as you see in evidence here. All government but His is rebellion, no matter what their documents and coins profess. How so, you may ask. Then explain how they were all so easily led astray?”
            "But, but isn't there something good in us, something untainted from our Fall?"
            Amy stepped in front of Kyle, facing him, placing her hands on his shoulders. "Kyle, do you realize this is the first time you’ve associated yourself with a fallen nature? You said 'our Fall.' Do you see what this trek is really about? We can skip all the rest of these exhibits and go directly to the last one in this building. There you can discover the answer to your question for yourself?"
            "But what about the other lessons?"
            "Irrelevant now that you’ve included yourself in the fall of the species. That’s the sole purpose of all these exhibits, to reveal your own accountability, leading to that essential question. I told you when we first entered that you'd encounter another tree, remember? I believe you're ready."
            Kyle nodded, and Amy led back into the main hallway, bypassing other exhibits of physical science, education, religion, medicine, literature, art, music, entertainment, industry, media and others.
            "Were all of these tainted?"
            "Every one."
            At the end of the hallway they came to a shut door. Amy halted. Kyle noted that there was no other exit. "Before we enter, I must tell you that the tree you’re about to encounter is not a replica as was the one in the front lobby. You must not fear it though. It’s critical that you trust me, and do exactly as I tell you, understand?”
Kyle felt intimidated at Amy’s sternness. “Okay.”
“Good. Now enter and see the actual ‘Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil’.” Amy pushed the heavy door; it slowly swung open into a humid atmosphere that had diffused lighting from an unseen source illuminating the tree. Amy explained, “The climate simulates the tree's original environment."
            The tree in the center of the room was the only exhibit. Kyle warily approached. It was squat—almost a bush; its branches stretched only a few feet over his head, resembling a well-known species of oasis-dwelling tree. All in all, it appeared rather drab, with smooth bark and finger-frond leaves. Curious, Kyle circled and was surprised to discover that it was nearly hollow on the backside, rot having eaten deeply into the trunk. From the front there had been no evidence suggesting that the tree was so sickly.
Kyle's eyes were drawn to the fragrant fruit dangling from its boughs displaying a luscious red and yellow swirl.
            "Kyle," Amy's sultry voice intruded upon his reverie, "… look how the colors of the fruit swirl. Pick one and taste how delicious it is," she urged.
Kyle stiffened in shocked revulsion.
Amy’s demeanor had changed from official guide to that of a temptress! Kyle felt disoriented and nauseous. He glanced around the room for an exit, wanting to escape.
"It's okay, Kyle," her soothing voice purred, "… what you’re feeling is false. Your own heart is trying to deceive you. You must trust me, not your feelings. I told you not to fear this tree; its poison has been in you from your conception. You‘ve already suffered the consequences of eating from this tree. It’s necessary now for you to take a bite and consciously identify with your prime ancestors who also ate from these branches. Only in this way will you understand that Our Defender’s great sacrifice was also made on your behalf."
The room was spinning. Bile rose in Kyle’s throat; he found breathing in the stifling atmosphere difficult. Amy’s face had a sensuous, sinister leer. What was she trying to do, why was she acting that way? Everything Kyle knew about this tree and how woman first tempted man repelled him; and now she wanted him to eat the accursed fruit?
            "I've eaten my bite, Kyle," Amy simpered. "You too, must eat. Only then will you realize that there’s no harm in it—unless you still hold out hope that you are uncontaminated by the bites our ancestors took. Take a bite, you surely won’t die."
            Kyle shook his head to clear his thinking. Were these not the very words spoken long ago beside this same tree—with disastrous results? And why was he so dizzy… and must she look so provocatively at him?
            "This tree can only harm you if you refuse to take a bite, clinging to the hope that you’re untainted and would be harmed by eating it. By sampling the fruit, you acknowledge that you are descended from the first Adam and have inherited his sin. This acknowledgment is imperative, for only then will you have abandoned all hope of justifying yourself. Only then will you know the magnitude of Our Defender's forgiveness to you personally. If you’re unwilling to do this, we must return to the skipped exhibits; but we’ll eventually only come back to complete this step. Well...?"
            "I'm not sure, Amy. I... I want to do the right thing, but...."
            "You cannot change from trekker to pilgrim without accomplishing this act. Perhaps I brought you here too soon, I thought you understood that you too, though born in the Blessed Generations, are a sinner."
            "I do... but... any tree but this one."
            "There is no other tree that can do for you what needs to be done. Eat!"
            Kyle wanted to argue or flee from this alluring girl and the repulsive thing she wanted him to do. "Do I have to? I mean how necessary is it to make this self-identification? I already know my species is depraved... isn't that enough? Why put me to this humiliation?"
            "In all the years prior to the Great Purge, those that belonged to Him faced ostracism and persecution when they confessed to their sinfulness and sought His forgiveness. All that’s required of us in the Blessed Generations is to take a bite of this accursed fruit to prove that you truly know how decayed we as a species—and you as an individual—really are, even apart from the Corrupter's influence.
“The sin in your own heart is what’s tricking you to mistrust me. I’m not acting seductive, yet you perceive me as such. Your own heart is lying to you because it doesn’t want to acknowledge how evil it is. To fear to partake of this fruit is to say you have not sinned, declaring that you don’t need Our Defender's sacrifice on your behalf. Do you therefore reject his blood that was shed on your behalf?"
            "I understand all that, but... but...."
            "Kyle, either take a bite, or we go back to those other exhibits. It’s too dangerous for you to remain in indecision."
            Kyle gritted his teeth, reached up and plucked a piece of fruit from a low hanging branch, shut his eyes, and bit. The sweet yellow swirl contrasted with the bitter red vein, making for an unusual taste.
            Instantly his mind cleared; he realized Amy hadn’t changed, but rather, only his perception of her. Other than that, nothing else of note happened. "It has no effect on me!"
            "It was necessary for you to take that bite? This tree's fatal poison was already in your veins. This tree only harms those who refuse to acknowledge its poison is already in their veins. Congratulations, pilgrim."
            "Thanks, Amy. I'm sorry I thought such things about you."
            "That happens with everyone. I don't take it personally, in fact, I can't, it goes with the job. One thing yet remains, and that will be harder on you than this tree. It's time we joined your father at the Inter-Dimensional Telescopes."
            Kyle was changed. Not from the fruit, for although it was necessary, it was primarily symbolic. No, the difference was Kyle's understanding of himself. Gone was his naivete, but not his standing before the Creator. He was more aware than ever of what the Defender had done for him, and loved him more than he had thought possible.